The Moving Stories™ Method

A Multi-Sensory Approach to Learning and Relationship

About the Method

In Moving Stories™, teaching and therapeutic stories are told with props in a sandtray. After hearing the story, individuals are invited to reflect upon the meaning and explore their own creative response, often in the sandtray, but also in writing, walks, paints, clay and drawing. Then these creative responses to the story are shared.   

For All Ages
This attuned and flexible approach can be adapted for use with individuals, families, groups and classrooms.

Trauma Informed
The book “Trauma Responsive Schooling: Centering Student Voice and Healing” provides a description of the application of the Moving Stories™ method in schools. The Moving Stories™ method is appropriate for all kinds of life challenges, but particularly for those with traumatic stressors as play, symbols and story provide a safe way to explore and modulate feelings.

Multisensory Listening
A key part of the method involves multisensory or "creative listening”, where the storyteller tunes into both what is said and also what is shown through symbols and play.

Meet Dr. Duffy

Dr. Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S, BCN

Dr. Duffy is a dedicated Licensed Clinical Psychologist serving the mental health needs of underserved communities, particularly for children and families in tribal and rural settings for the last 25 years.
She is in private practice and also works for Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness as their Director of Clinical Support and Innovation.

A creative community leader, trainer and author, she has a special interest in expressive and nature-based approaches to healing. Dr. Duffy is the creator of Moving Stories™, an approach that  integrates three passions--play therapy, sandtray therapy, and bibliotherapy.  

In addition to a series of therapeutic Moving Stories™, she is is author of the children’s book, “Finding Diamonds". 

The Story of Moving Stories™

Back in 2007, my children were 3 and 4. My play therapy office was ideal for play group and included tools of my trade--sandtrays and shelves full of objects such as animals, people, and houses.

I used the objects as props to tell stories in the sandtray and then kept them together in kits for the children to play with later--much as you would in a Montessori classroom. Together the kits made-up a 3 dimensional library.

The children loved the hands-on approach to storytelling and could not wait to get their own hands into the sandtrays to play with the stories and to make their own. I loved listening and joining in with their play. We even took pictures.

My training as a psychologist and in Godly Play (Jerome Berryman) inspired my 9 step Moving Stories™ approach. It has been my passion ever since--with people of all ages.

Story, sand, symbols and play provide a safe and deep way to express thoughts and feelings that do not yet have words--it is an ancient approach to teaching and healing.  

Recently, I found a Moving Stories™ international sister--Out of the Box. With roots in Godly Play and Deep Talk, Out of the Box is another hands-on storytelling movement. I am grateful for their recent influence on Moving Stories™.

Are you curious to experience Moving Stories™ or to learn how to be a Moving Storyteller guide? I am here to help you with your next steps. 

Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S, BCN
Creator of Moving Stories™

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